Sunday, March 10, 2019


When a project of any kind is shut down, the environmental damage done since the beginning becomes a total WASTE.


Citizens who are pursuing projects are using resources and creating environmental damage and using their time for the now shut down project which could be used to do some other task. Vandalism, such as Arson, turns a useful building or device into useless Environmental damage. In addition to the loss of value of previous damage, there is the creation of  new pollution caused by turning valuable property into smoke or trash to be disposed of.

"Shut that project down" is a mantra for nonperforming non producers. Some sense of entitlement which overrules the owner and worker's ownership of property, improvements and work allows the use of the Power of the Crown, the Power of Authority, and the Police with their always violent domination by force of every situation, to be used to stop further work and to create a loss where there was to be a benefit. There is a irrational system where the interference will be enhanced by Crown Authority who will take action against the project owner and worker. Interloping Trespassers have found or have imagined or are inventing a flaw which will permit an armed intervention on Private Property or even in PRIVATE LIVES. The joining of Spoilers and Police can create a situation where Police and By-Law and Lawyers think that their joining to cause damage, prevent such as a Musical Project from being executed is lawful when in fact it is a Criminal Conspiracy.

Shutting down a Home Construction or an Apartment Building Renovation or a Musical Creation Project turns all of the effort made into useless waste and all of the environmental burden of what was already done into useless degradation of the biosphere. Shutting down a Musical Project as was attempted in 1992 at Lindon's  at Otter Point BC would have seen the Authorities seize the Collard Family home at Otter Point which a non performing, non achiever felt entitled to. Trixie or Betty lied to Police and Authorities saying that Lindon had abandoned his home and property when he was in England trying to get musical employment and move his project along. THE WIFE AND POLICE AND SHERIFFS WOULD HAVE PUT THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OUT IN THE RAIN WITH ANY OTHER GOODS HE HAD.THAT WOULD BE ONE HELL OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE CREATION AND LOSS.
